Call for Papers: Workshop European Dialect Syntax (Edisyn) VIII – 11.-13. Juni 2015, Zürich

The eighth Edisyn Workshop aims at bringing together scholars working in the field of dialect syntax and syntactic microvariation. The general topic of the workshop will be

“Pathways of Syntactic Diffusion”.

Therefore contributions addressing diachronic, diatopic or diastratic perspectives on the dynamics of syntactic variation are especially welcome, although no thematic restrictions apply. We continue to welcome project presentations by new members of the Edisyn network, and we would particularly like to encourage PhD students to submit their proposals.We invite abstracts for 20 minutes talks (plus 10 min discussion). Submissions are limited to 1 single authored and 1 jointly authored abstract. Abstracts should not exceed 2 pages including figures, examples and references. Please send your abstract as an attachment (PDF format) by e-mail to the organizing committee ( To ensure a double-blind peer review process, submissions should be anonymous. Contact details (name, affiliation and e-mail) along with the title of the talk should be included in the body of the e-mail.

Submission deadline: February 28, 2015
Notification of acceptance: March 31, 2015

We plan to reserve an afternoon for exchanging practical issues concerning the cartographic representation and geographic modelling of linguistic data as well as corpus building. If you would like to make a contribution or participate in this part of the workshop, let us know in advance via e-mail.

For more information about Edisyn VIII please consult our website:

The local organizing committee:
Carlota de Benito Moreno, Lorenzo Filipponio, Elvira Glaser, Florian Sommer, Philipp Stöckle, Dieter Studer-Joho

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